Recently due to our actions the National Football League has blocked us on social media. If they can't take the pressure then we are going to win this fight for a better NFL. I was originally pro-NFL now I am not. We need to fix this problem even if we bring them to their knees.
At Stop the Refs we are creating a better NFL. Recently, officiating has been terrible. So, the team at Stop the Refs has sent a letter with a petition to Commissioner Roger Goodell. We need your support. Please write or call the NFL regarding this situation. The requisite NFL contact information is below.
Spread the word! Help people know about this great cause. You can look at our links to twitter and Instagram below. Also, read the letter that started this campaign from Stephen McDonald, our founder.
Check regularly for updates.
The Stoptherefs YouTube and Facebook pages will be here soon.
We Will give you updates about that as they come along
Copyright © 2020 Stop the Refs - All Rights Reserved.
Stop the Refs for A Better NFL.