Yes you can the NFL! Our founder has done it several times. Their phone number is (212) 450 2000
You can write to the NFL. The best address to reach them at is 345 Park Ave New York, NY 10154.
You can email sportswriters if possible. We have already emailed: Kyle Brandt, and Kay Adams. Kay Adam's email is You can contact both of them through Instagram as well. You can also call sports radio stations like 1067 the fan and tell them about this.
Roger Goodell's NFL email is I have already emailed him about this. Note the NFL might send you an email saying that the email is undeliverable.
Someone that you think would love this? Tell them! Is there someone that loves football that you know? Tell them! Tell everybody that you know if possible.
The world runs through social media. So if you could help their that would be awesome!
If you have anything that you need to tell us, write to us! We would love to hear from anyone! Just email
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Stop the Refs for A Better NFL.